page error

Well, that's strange...There's something happening here that is unexpected.

What's up?

Errors are normally caused when the site is expecting data to be provided in a certain way, but what has been provided by the user is different from what is expected. Examples include:

  • Expecting a phone number, but user input is a $ dollar value
  • Expecting a numeric price, quantity or shipping price, but got an alpha-numeric entry that includes letters a-z or special characters when only numbers are expected
  • Expecting a date in MM/DD/YYYY format, but got a text value like 'April 2015'
  • Other similar anomalies where data is expected in one format but is provided in a different format
Okay, so what now?

The system administrator has already been notified, but there are a couple of things you can do right now:

1) Try your entry again. Just hit the back button on your browser, review the data you entered and make sure that the information you provided matches what's expected for every field provided. Resubmit your data and you'll likely be successfull.

2) If all else fails, call the NATE/BANC Administrator and report your issue. You'll get professional help to deal with the issue right away.

We're sorry for the inconvenience and will work to make sure that this type of issue doesn't happen again.

Thanks for your patience.
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